Thunder Tryouts
The EYHA Thunder Travel Hockey tryouts will be held May 6th through May 17th. Each age group will have two tryouts. Please attend at least one of the tryouts for your age group. If you cannot attend either tryout, please contact your coach to setup an alternative tryout time.

10U (2014 and 2015 birth years (2016s are eligible to tryout with a signed Play Up Request form*)) May 13th at 5:45pm, May 16th at 6pm
12U (2012 and 2013 birth years) May 7th at 6pm, May 14th at 5:45pm
14U (2010 and 2011 birth years) May 6th at 5:45pm, May 9th at 6pm
HS (2006 through 2009 (2010s that will be freshman are also eligible)) May 11th 9am-11:15am and May 15th at 6pm
*Play Up Request Forms can be found on the EYHA website at the Play Up Policy Page under the "About" tab.
Swonder Ice Arena
209 N Boeke Rd
Evansville, IN 47711
Jerseys will be handed out to use during tryouts. Jerseys will be handed back after each tryout. Players will not take tryout jerseys home.
The cost is $40 per player
If you have any questions, please contact Michael Long, VP of Travel Hockey at EYHAVPOFTRAVEL@GMAIL.COM
New this year, please check your confirmation email after registering for tryouts. There will be information for all players including the player fee matrix and relevant policies for travel teams.
Thunder Travel Hockey tryouts dates and times are listed below. If you cannot attend one of the tryouts listed for your age group, please contact the coach and setup an alternative tryout. All tryouts will be held at Swonder Ice Arena.
10U (2014 and 2015 birth years (2016s are eligible to tryout with a signed Play Up Request form*)) May 13th at 5:45pm, May 16th at 6pm
12U (2012 and 2013 birth years) May 7th at 6pm, May 14th at 5:45pm
14U (2010 and 2011 birth years) May 6th at 5:45pm, May 9th at 6pm
HS (2006 through 2009 (2010s that will be freshman are also eligible)) May 11th 9am-11:15am and May 15th at 6pm
*Play Up Request Forms can be found on the EYHA website at the Play Up Policy Page under the "About" tab.