Spring League
Spring League registration is open!
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In addition to the Board Positions open for election this year, the EYHA Board will also be appointing a new Treasurer. The EYHA extends many thanks to Laurie Long for her years of service in the role!
The EYHA Treasurer is appointed by the Board of Directors, serves a two-year term, and can be re-appointed to additional two-year terms. Any EYHA member interested in serving as the EYHA Treasurer should email their name and a brief bio to EYHApres@gmail.com and EYHAsec@gmail.com. The deadline to submit applications is February 16th, 2025. The newly appointed Treasurer will assume the role at the April 2025 board meeting.
It's time for the annual EYHA Board of Directors open position notification. The positions up for election this year are VP of Travel, Coaching Director, Registrar, Scheduler, Marketing Director, At-Large House Rep. No. 1, and At-Large Travel Rep. No. 2. Incumbents who are interested in retaining their positions as well as EYHA members interested in joining the board need to email EYHApres@gmail.com and EYHAsec@gmail.com expressing what position(s) they are applying for. Emails should include the applicants name and a brief bio. The deadline to submit applications is February 16th, 2025.
Congratulations to Thunder’s Evelyn Scheller on being selected to play on the 2025 Women’s Team Indiana showcase team. Evelyn currently plays on our High School White team. The showcase team will be playing in spring and summer tournaments highly attended by college recruiters, including a tournament in Canada and the Beantown Classic in Boston. Congratulations Evelyn!! Our Thunder family is beyond proud of you 💜