EYHA House Practice Reminder - 10/25/23

Wanted to let you know that we have placed an order for season team jerseys that we expect to arrive in about 4 to 6 weeks. Which may require us to be a little creative come game time in November should we not have them for the first few games. More guidance to come as it relates to that.

A few other things we were working on were season pictures and a 'Chuck-a-Puck' event with the Thunderbolts for our players. Very exciting, fun, and a good way to spread the word about EYHA. More to come on this.

Finally, we'd like your help with pictures of league activities that you take, if you're willing to share them with us. We'd post them with to our social media account and will include them in posts here. These are always helpful to help others visualize what it would be like to join our league. Please share if you're willing and we'll post with your permission.
